And c''s not like I don't know what it's like...for an elf...being married to "Buddy the elf's separated at birth" brother...ahem...
And yes, the picture is a couple years old (and No, Beth, I couldn't hate you for providing me with so much ammunition. *smooch*)
So...figure the kids all being about 4 years older (not me though...I don't age) and taking them to a mechanical display of "A Day in the Life of an Elf". Better yet, let me show you the pictures:
Here are my girls:

Then of course, there's me and my husband (he came as his alter ego sense in dealing with the mob of autograph seekers):

And at the end of the production, were pictures with Santa. Sadly, my older two chose to forgo the experience. But the younger two chose to partake in a little brown nosing:

You'll note the absence of my son. Oh, he was there. Lovin' every second of it...

You really can't tell because of the distance, but he had a look of pure unadulterated JOY on his face. He tried to keep it from spreading to his siblings by holding himself aloof...but we could read it. No...really.
A good day. Had we gone later in the day, we may have stayed for the Hollidazzle parade. But as it was, we had a day in the life...
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