Sunday, January 10, 2010

Girl Scout Cookies...A Window to the Soul?

After having set on my bedside table for well over a year, yesterday I picked up Elizabeth Gilbert's "Eat Pray Love". I'm not sure why I resisted it for so long because I am finding it very entertaining.
I especially like how she starts chapter 6 with..."Because God never slams a door in your face without opening a box of Girl Scout cookies (or however the old adage goes)" as a way of kicking off her 3-I adventure. EVER familiar with the adage, I spent last night ruminating about Girl Scout Cookies (and it's not even "the season" yet) and how like a window they are to people. Or maybe just me.

If you were to put every variety of GSC in front of me, I would choose only one variety: Trefoils. They are my cookie of choice because of their simplicity. Butter, sugar, flour (maybe a touch of vanilla or almond flavoring). Nothing fancy, nothing overt. Just a cookie that I can depend on to give me peace...either late in the evening with a cup of Good Earth tea, or in the afternoon, grabbing something quick to hold me over and satisfy a need without giving me a huge sugar rush.

Please, those of you who need your Tag-a-longs, or Samoas, or Do-si-dos...this is NOT an indictment on you. It just that I do not NEED nor want all that "extra" stuff in my GSC. Maybe it's because I do so much baking
(see Snickers cookies) and I prefer softer cookies, sometimes with all that extra stuff , the cookie gets lost. Or maybe I get lost in the cookie. Hmmmm.....

I will, when ordering GSC, throw in a box of Thin Mints and occasionally the Lemon Creams. The mints because they ARE what GSC's are all about. The icon. How can one not buy an icon? But the reality is that they will not get eaten at the same pace (or even close) as the Trefoils. And the Lemon Creams...because sometimes, I need the zing they offer. A little change of pace. Not over the top. Something to say I am not so unbending that I won't accept an alternative.

Or maybe it just comes down to: I am not a sweet person. And if you choose to, you can change the emphasis on that statement and be fairly accurate. I'm a fair person. I'm an honest person. I'm a loyal person. But sweet? No, I don't think so. So, too much sweetness (of one variety or another) spurns a rebellion in me. It makes me something I'm not. But isn't that true for everyone? Too much sugar and even the most well behaved people (children) behave like heathens. By the same token, not enough sweetness can also turn people into something they're not. I think the key here is balance. I find my balance with Trefoils.

So, what does your choice in Girl Scout Cookie say about you?

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