Saturday, February 27, 2010

Phat Tuesday...on Friday

We were in Mexico for the kick off of Lent and I missed Fat Tuesday.  I like Fat Tuesday because I get a chance to play with cajun foods.  So yesterday we had friends over for dinner and I cooked up a storm!  For the kids, I made a homemade baked macaroni and cheese with ham.  I have lots of recipes but decided to experiment and used Martha Stewart's and it was YUMMY.  I also made a pan of brownies and the kids had brownie sundaes.

For the adults, I made jambalaya, corn muffins, a salad of mixed greens, peppers, heirloom tomatoes and avocados.  For dessert, banana cream pie.  I was telling our friends about having found the jambalaya recipe in Men's Health magazine (my sister actually found it and passed it on), when he told me of a clam bake recipe he tried recently...also from Men's Health.  Who knew Men's Health was a bastion of  excellent recipes.  I may have to trade in my  Epicurious magazine for Men's Health...but then I'd also be subject to more info that I really care to know about a man's prostate.

So, we fed the kids, ate a yummy meal, did a little hot tubbing, ran down town to a local bar for a quick game of pool and back home with the promise of banana cream pie.  But no one was up for it, so we postponed the pie to this morning.  After TWO pots of coffee ( Key West's Baby's Private Buzz....last legal high in America), we had breakfast burritos and banana cream pie.  The REAL breakfast of champions.

Then...I planted myself on the sofa.  I may move.  I may not. I can do that because I'm Phat! 

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