Saturday, October 23, 2010

Gooseberry Falls

We don't seem to be able to hit the Duluth area without stopping at Gooseberry Falls State Park.  It's maybe an hour north of Duluth, past Two Harbors, but not as far as Split Rock Light House.  We really REALLY lucked out on Friday because the day was absolutely beautiful.  It was in the low 60s with a very light breeze and the sky was clear as a bell.

The falls themselves are neat because you can use stepping stones to get up pretty close to them, at several different levels.  This is Beanie with her dad...before she went rock hopping.  How do I know?  Well, first her pants aren't rolled up past her knee where she stepped in the water...several times.  AND she is still smiling. 
The other two girls seemed to be pretty adept at hopping the stones.  This would be an after shot.
The boy also figured out the rock hopping.

 I'm good with leaving the rock hopping to the kids.
 The kids climbed to this cliff area in the center of the falls (with me holding my breath the whole time).  See?
Do you know how hard it is to get this many shots of the boy without having to use my angry voice because he's not cooperating?
We started to walk down to where the falls hit Lake Superior but decided that might be a bit ambitious.  So, we headed back up the falls.

One pair of wet Twinkle Toes, two wet mis-matched socks, one bottom that had an unsavory look to it and 5 big smiles.  Can't win'em all.  


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