Monday, November 1, 2010


The Fall Ball followed immediately by Halloween was tricky.  But it worked even if I was at Target at 2pm buying finishing touches to costumes to be worn 4 hours later.  Still, it's all good.

Beanie was a perfect Bo Peep:
Her hair curled perfectly:
This is our new trick or treating buddy.  Based on the size of their haul, I think they did ok.
The older girls went off with friends so we didn't get pictures here but one here's my middle daughter with her friend.  Note the well thought out ninja, vs the we hit Target 4 hours before ninja:

My oldest daughter claimed to have dressed up but when she arrived home, she wasn't wearing much more than two tu-tus (for the fuller tu-tu).  

While I am not against kids of any age trick or treating, what I am against is a minimal/lack of effort put into costumes (yes, this would include my oldest daughter) and expecting that I am just going to hand over my "good" candy.  A friend on facebook had a great suggestion that I'm going to start using:  two bowls of candy, one good, one crap.  You don't dress up and expect candy, you'll get the crap.  Maybe if more people did this, these "kids" would get the clue that perhaps they ARE a little long in the tooth for trick or treating.

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