Sunday, June 12, 2011

Weekends Were Made for...

spending at the cabin.  I only wish we had better weather.  Don't get me wrong, it wasn't as bad as it has been in years past, but good heavens, it's JUNE.  We should be able to expect to have at the minimum low 70s.  We maybe got a couple minutes of low 70s on occasion when it the sun was out (that would be the time frame I was sleeping in the boat, so I can't say with any "certitude"), but when that sun went under cover, the temp seemed to drop 15 degrees.

Beanie was our only child this weekend.  Well, for clarity, she was the only of OUR children we brought.  She brought a friend and as luck would have it, they had a ball...the weather be damned.

First, they tried their hand at bass fishing, having spotted a large bass swimming under the dock with a large hook in it's mouth:
The next morning, when the polar bears were coming out of their caves, they decided they wanted to play in the water...
Since we had already launched the boat (I got to drive...whoo-hoo), the girls, already wet, decided to tube.  Here, let me narrate.    To clarify, Beanie's friend had never tubed before, and Beanie is something of a dare-devil...tubing at least.  So an easy start was a good thing:
 And of course, one always needs to first.  Here, let me fix that...
Then they seemed to hit a rhythm:
 A little  less speed, and I think I'm OK, I mean, wake hopping is fun right?
I'm getting the hang of this now:
Or maybe not.  Can I be done?
We're still trying to peel the smile off Beanie.

A little later, after no luck on the docks, they took the pontoon out to see if they could find something worth catching.  They hit the mutha load:
40 sunnies+Saturday evening fish cleaning =Sunday afternoon fish fry:
Unfortunately, Sunday (today) was less than stellar.  We got no sun, well except the sunnies and let me tell you...THAT'S DELICIOUS!

We ended up heading back a bit earlier than normal.  Normally we would have stayed for a spaghetti dinner but there was nothing but cold windy weather keeping us inside and there seemed no point (well, except now, I'm hungry and if I want spaghetti I have to make it myself), so we headed back...arriving in town to see the sun come out in all its glory< insert Mutley doing his ratsrfrasa sound>.
All in all, I'm going to say, weather notwithstanding...the weekend was a success.  And really, who could ask for anything more?

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