Tuesday, July 26, 2011


With July winding down and we have a few things on our "bucket list" in which we are trying to cross off.  One included an evening boat ride.  And you know how  sometimes the best laid plans go awry?  Well, we decided that spontaneity would be the driving force.

Dinner yesterday was spontaneous.  We asked friends to join us.  I made stilton stuffed blue cheese burgers for the guys, smoked black pepper cheddar burgers for the chicks and plain old American cheese burgers for the girls.  I made home made fries, roasted vegetables (freshly picked an hour earlier from our garden), and all the fixin's for the burgers (lettuce also freshly picked).  As we sat around wondering if we SHOULD load up the boat and go, a spontaneous decision was made TO.JUST.GO.
So, we gassed up the boat, grabbed a couple bottles of wine, and we went.

From the time the decision was made to the time we were on the lake?  About 20 minutes (yes, it helps having a lake close by).

Had we dithered, we would have missed out on this sunset:
 And this bottle of wine:
And this smile:
And he's happiest at the helm:
Or floating with a glass of wine:
But most of all...because this is how we roll:
THIS...we could have done without:
Now, onto the next item on the bucket list.

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