Sunday, February 17, 2013

Well....THAT Didn't Go as Planned

It appears Murphy has decided to accompany me on my little vacay. UNINVITED I might add. The plane had barely cleared Minneapolis airspace when the flight attendant announced that there was a medical emergency on board and was there a doctor on the plane. We ended up diverting to Chicago. I'm worse than an unplanned Dairy Queen stop on the way home. Right? Yes. I am naive. The pilot announced that we would be on the ground for at least an hour at which point I figured I will have missed my connection. I called reservations and they pretty much confirmed that I would have an "extended" stay in Miami as there is not another flight out until same time tomorrow. Oddly enough my row mate was also going to Puerto Plata and she was part of a group of 8 that were on the plane. So I thought surely with at least 9 people on the plane they would hold the flight. Apparently reservations got sick of taking calls and called the tower in Miami and said that YES...they would hold the plane. Landing an hour late in Miami (big giant thanks to the "VIP" who diverted air traffic even more because heaven forbid we should fly in the same airspace) to find that not only did our flight leave, but it left 5 minutes ahead of schedule. Apparently they chose not to wait for the 18 (yes EIGHTEEN) of us on the plane going to Puerto Plata. So...plan b. Leave at 540 and fly into Santiago which is about an hour away. Maybe more. I am probably more ticked that American flat out lied to us than the inconvenience this has caused. But...I'm only on stage one of the inconvenience. Talk to me tomorrow.

1 comment:

  1. I feel so sorry for you!! Murphy is a good friend of mine so I can understand how frustrated you feel. Good luck and have fun on your journey!


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