Friday, September 20, 2013

By Request

My husband keeps telling me that people at his work are tired of seeing the "Icky" post and that I need to post something new.  But I have a conundrum...HOW?  No. Seriously. HOW?  It's been over 5 months since my last post.  How do I just jump back in?  Don't y'all want to know what's been happening during that time here at the Ruff homestead?  C'mon...I know you do.  That's why you're here.

So, what I have decided to do is a pictorial review.  I'll attempt to keep the captions to a minimum, only if something needs explained.

Annnddddd....away we go...

Picking up back in early May.  THIS showed up in my garage:
I made an attempt at blogging about it, but decided discretion was the better part of valor.

After the snow stopped (yes in May) and in between bouts of drizzly rain, I planted commercial gardens. Like this:
Not often you get paid to play in the mud.

With rain frequently comes thunder.  Yes.  I caved.
No, it doesn't work.

Due to the snow and cold rain, we were late looking, but find we did:
Moving into June, me, the husband, my middle daughter and my son's girlfriend headed to San Antonio for his graduation from Basic Training.  The girlfriend was a surprise as he didn't know she'd be there.  First time he saw her was when he marched out to take part of the Honor's Ceremony.  OH, did I not mention that he 1.)was an Honor Graduate, 2.) and his flight  (TRS 324/Knights)graduated Warrior Status (akin to Honors) and 3.) was awarded a ribbon for Small Arms Marksmanship.  But his first glimpse of the girlfriend was when we were seated right in front.  So it amazed me that he remained "stoic".  I saw the eyes though... the eyes, they smized (ANTM):
That's him.  Dead center.  But this was the best.
The next day was a bit more formal.
Then the graduation ceremony.

We learned it is not at all easy to find a 6 ft tall blonde (like it mattered) young man in a sea of 6 foot tall young men all dressed the same.  We were able to eliminate the young men of color (racist) from being our son, then the young men with glasses (opticalists...yeah, you know what I mean), until we narrowed the group of 400 down to about 300.  But we found him.

The boy was headed off to Tech School in VA and we headed back to MN as we had dance recitals to attend.  Yes.  Multiple.  If we wanted to see all her dances.  Dancing to MN Style (take off of Gangam Style):
June seemed to FINALLY get warm and look what we were able to do:
If that young man looks AMAZINGLY like the one you probably thought was in VA, SURPRISE...IT IS.  There is a whole story about this and if his mother blogged, then you'd know it.  Suffice it to say, we "lucked" out to have him at home all summer.  And since he happened to be home for his birthday, he asked for Twins tickets.  We made a night of it:

The Fourth of July was spent at the SIL's cabin on Bay Lake.  And we lucked out with a beautiful weekend.
The oldest daughter took an interest in boat driving:
My  husband surprised me with tickets to the Basilica Block Party to see Matchbox 20 and the Goo Goo Dolls.  We hit Stella's first:
Then the Basilica:
As if that wasn't enough music for one month, we hit up Lakefront Days with a group of friends...arriving in style:
                              Photo: Here we come Firehouse, Warrant and Brett Michaels.
Then watched Warrant, Firehouse, and Brett Michaels ROCK.THE.HOUSE.

I also got an opportunity for a couple girls events, one being a wine tasting down at Chankaska Winery in St. Peter:
ANNNND now we're into August and we ALWAYS start out August with Derby Day's activities. The Taste of Shakopee, followed by Johnny Holm band Friday, followed by "the run":

Then the post run "reward":
Then off to the shoes tournament (where the boys weren't on their game):
Sunday was the parade:
Followed by a back yard clam bake:
C''re jealous right?
As summer started winding down, we managed to get an adult trip out on the boat and enjoyed a FABULOUS sunset.  As if it was put there just for us:
And if we thought that was the finale, nope...Mother Nature decided to bless us with a blue moon:
After living in Shakopee 16 years, we had yet to hit Canterbury Race track until now:
Of course, the ending of the summer means the beginning of school which means sending the boy back to school.  Apartment living this time, so a bigger load haul back to Fargo:
September began with some milestones.  The middle daughter...she's doing this:
Yes...a drivers permit.  SHE thinks it gives her SWAG.  Or adds to her SWAG.  Or something.

And the youngest daughter, she complained for months about not being able to see.  It appears that she really couldn't see.  Who knew? (well aside from her)
We didn't get to the State Fair, so no BINGO this year. STATE FAIR BINGO. Since we went to the Renaissance fair instead, we, well, let's just say we adapted:
Yeah, yeah...I know.  So very politically incorrect.  But that's how we roll.  Besides, I'm thinking there are about 50 things "politically incorrect" about this:
That picture above?  That was posted from the husband's new, 21st century smartphone.  Galaxy 3.  When you and your flip phone become a Jeopardy question at the monthly QA meeting at work, then it's time.  I dragged him kicking and screaming. take it away and you'll see more kicking and screaming.  I think he likes.  You're welcome Sweetie.

Then school started and I can prove it:
                          Photo: One senior (digging that this is the last time she'll  have to pose)  one freshman  and a 7th grader.   The senior doesn't need to be in until 11 but she likes her cinnamon roll hot. #priorities
The middle daughter celebrated 15 with a birthday breakfast with more SWAG, or something:
I canned 100 lbs of tomatoes which was 50 quarts of spaghetti sauce:
And to top off September, we went to Rocktember at the Grand Casino in Hinkley.  What, you're asking is Rocktember?  Well, let me share:
And even if it happens to rain, well, if you're with the right people, frankly, you won't give a sh!t.  What do you think?  Yeah.  Me too.
                            Photo: Rocktember baby!..where is your poncho Al?
So.  There you have it.  You're all caught up.

Now, I'll see what I can do with keeping you caught up.

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