Sunday, January 24, 2021

Anyone there?


 Is this thing on?

Ok.  I had to start that way.  Because...well, a little Nina Simone.   A little Mike Wazoswki.

So, I've been contemplating this for a while and I thought WTF.  Now's the time you get  to be you.  So, here I am.  In all my glory.

This blog is going to take a radical shift.  Yeah, I'm gonna keep the main parts.  The me.  But it is also going to get down to the nitty gritty.  The REAL me.  Some of you may know it.  Some of you may not.  I'll be brutally honest, this isn't always going to pretty.  This isn't about pretty.  It's about real.  It's about how life really is, not just the parts that we want others to see.  That's easy.  You tie it up in a bow and present it to the internet as what YOU want THEM to see, show others what they think they want to see.  Show them all the shiny side and let the tarnished part be hidden.  Nope.  Not gonna happen.  The good part? You are are not required to partake.  You have this lovely little (x) button in the top right corner of your screen that will allow you to  clutch your pearls and exit...stage left.  And that's fine.  Everyone has a limit.  Even me (although at this point, I'll be honest, I don't know where that line is)

For the rest of you,  this is for you.  This is for you so you know YOU are not alone.  All those things that are floating around in your head, yeah, you are not the only one who thinks THAT.  Be brave.  Be strong.  We've got this.  

For now, hang on. It's about to get real.

Love to all of those who have stuck with me through the years.  I've got my typing fingers back.  But be warned, I'm not wearing gloves.


PS  Because I've deleted my facebook page (I KNOW, right? ), I can't change the badge at the right.  Wish I could.

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