Thursday, July 7, 2022

Thinking Out Loud aka...LOTS of Random but Linkable Thoughts

We are living in interesting times. I'm trying really hard not to panic but I feel like I'm failing.  And when I attempt to verbalize my fears, I'm thought to be crazy, but not in a good way.

So, I'm going to think this out loud and ask for thoughts and direction to where my thinking has come to the wrong conclusion.  Feel free to comment.  But also, bookmark this page.

We are in a time where gas prices are higher that EVER.  Highest it was ever was $3.50 during GWB's administration. As of now, we are at $5/gal where I am. Eggs have more than doubled in price from 2 years ago. Don't even get me started on beef.  Pretty much everything costs more.

Now, as I understand it we have 2 situations that are related but aren't yet apparent, but will be.  One...farming fertilizer, with the main ingredient of urea/ammonia, comes from Russia (and China and the number 1 and 2 exporters). Know what else has urea/ammonia as a prime ingredient?  DEF, which is injected into the exhaust stream of diesel engines and is required for all medium to  heavy-duty vehicles to reduce engine emissions.

Are you putting 2 and 2 together?  So farmers who can't get fertilizer for their crops ALSO can't get DEF that is required for the equipment they operate in order to...well, feed the country. Let's look at what the impact of this can/could be.  First, imagine the harvest this fall, IF there is a harvest. Let's take a somewhat fatalistic (devils advocate) look at this.  No food to be harvested.  No food goes to processing plants.  No food on the shelves. So if you work at the processing plant, or are involved with moving food through the supply chain process, you no longer have a job.  Then, look at the stores who receive the product.  Nothing to stock, no workers required.  You have a restaurant? How do you obtain products to sell?  No food, no workers.  This is going to have GIANT ripple effects throughout all walks of life. Maybe it won't be this bad, or maybe it will.

Then...let's add into the equation 98 (as of June 11/2022) food processing plants that have experienced fires (large enough to be news worthy) OR had (massive quantities of) animals put down/die since January of 2021.  It's so coincidental, it would be considered crazy to put all this together. 

Now, let me switch gears.  Everyone has seen real estate skyrocket.  In so many places you simply cannot find something to buy.  I know there are several reasons for that. 1. mortgage interest rates have started the climb.  Real estate itself has appreciated 6%/year for the last 2 years, so people think their house is worth more.  Reality:  Your house is worth only as much as someone is willing to pay, which I am learning.  With so many young adults looking to buy, and being unable to find anything, one has to resort to what they end up doing.  Renting.  Owning nothing.

So, on the heels of a world wide pandemic, rising real estate coupled with interest rates, gas prices and what is looking like an economic collapse and now the talk (no longer a whisper) of food shortages, I simply can't shake the feeling that all of this is by design. 

The WEF has an agenda.  An it is not just this country but it is to a world they wish to control.  Read that again.  THEY WILL CONTROL.  From THEIR website (and so you know WEF is WORLD economic forum..they're including the US in their plans):

 This  is another video, not really on the same topic but it does relate to how people will live  and speaks to equity vs equality.  @COTR introduced me to it and it leaves an impression.  Kurt Vonnegut short story of Harrison Bergeron  was adapted to film in 2081 and gives an idea of what happens when you stifle excellence in the name of making people "equal".

(listen to the audio version of the reading of the book for more clarity)

I'm too old to be an idealist.  I've seen where it leads. And while I don't/can't hide my pessimist tendencies, I STILL want the world to be a better place.  But not like that.  Not where someone else controls every aspects of my life even to the point where they control my emotions or making everyone equal in all ways.  "I will be happy"?   They think they know what is going to make me happy?  And what if it doesn't?  What is my recourse?  Well, nothing.  Because it's all for the greater good. 

AH....but do you really think that those controlling the world will be living the same as you and I?  If you do then I have a slightly used bridge in Brooklyn I can sell to you REALLY cheap.  The EU  has already given an exemption of the EU green aviation tax of the to "executive jets" .  Rules for thee SUCKAS.  You simply need to educate yourself on the agenda that they have put out there.  AND who is in control (I suggest starting with "Conspirators Hierarchy" by John Coleman). Remember, it's only a conspiracy theory until it actually happens.  Then it becomes a piece of history where people will Monday morning quarterback and say..."how could they not see all the signs that this was happening?"

Now, I'm going to switch gears again and talk politics.  I am beholden to no political party but my values lie more on the right (conservative) than the left.  I think (95%) people have the ability to lift themselves up if they really want to but there's nothing wrong with a little help getting there. But it shouldn't be a way of life.   I also think personal responsibility  is completely lacking in today's society. I am convinced our whole political system (D and R) is corrupt from top to bottom.  Politicians should NOT be getting rich while the citizens pay their salaries.  They should not be making political decisions over which companies will succeed or fail and THEN making money off the succeeding ones.  That is a MAJOR conflict of interest.  You want to go into public service?  Awesome.  You will not be allowed to enter any business or stock dealings while you serve, nor can any member of your family. All stocks you have leading up to your service are put in a type of escrow account or you dump them before entering office.  This means you are not working the system for your financial gain while putting other business at risk. That ensures that your goal is the people you serve, not your financial best interests. And yet...that's not how it happens.  WE pay their salaries and THEY work for the people. You would never know that in the current political atmosphere.

Add to that our ill-informed electorate.  If I were to hazard a guess I'd say 70% of people do not understand their basic rights.  That the Bill of Rights does not convey the rights government gives to us.  Our rights are innate.  We are born with them and as such  the Bill of Rights does NOT define what we can do, but what our government CAN'T do.  It is a negative rights document.  That means that if it is not specifically spelled out what our federal government CAN'T do, then it is for the states to decide.  That my friends is spelled out in the 10th Amendment.  I don't think the majority of the electorate can tell you what the 3 branches of government are and what purpose they serve.  For is NOT the job of the Supreme Court to codify anything into law.   It is to strictly interpret the law.  The responsibility to codify is with the legislative branch and left to Congress.  But we currently have a government that spends their time on optics instead of doing the job of the American people and an American people getting their history from social media.  And I'll bet you a million dollars most people still so not understand that the US is NOT a democracy.   It is a Constitutional Republic. A Republic differs from a Democracy. A Republic exists only when the system [framework] of government holds both the people AND THEIR RULERS subject to law. It is a government of laws and not of men. Man becomes free when he recognizes that he is subject to law. "Democracy" does not appear anywhere in either the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution or in ANY of the 50 states' Constitutions.  For a reason.  The fathers knew what they were doing.

What makes be so disheartened is that we are at that place where our civilization as we know it is going to fall.  We have already hit the 240 year mark of the downfall of all great civilizations   and you can see it.  I'll illustrate two ways.  I found this and thought it was a good representation of how civilizations tend to progress:

  • Bondage to spiritual faith
  • Spiritual faith to feeling embolden
  • Embolden to liberty
  • Liberty to abundance
  • Abundance to selfishness
  • Selfishness to complacent
  • Complacent to apathy
  • Apathy to dependency
  • Dependency back to bondage again

Or another way which has been widely distributed lately is the Camels on the Horizon (note, I am NOT getting my history from here but using social media to illustrate):

Where am I going with all of this?  Not sure.  For me, it's like being on a train and watching it wreck in slow motion.  You saw what led up to it, you can see it happening in real time and you have absolutely no way of stopping it.  You're afraid to look but you're also afraid not to look. So I'm bracing myself and doing what I can to minimize that impact as much as I am able.  Rubberneckers won't know what hit them.

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