Thursday, May 6, 2010

Sexto de Mayo - el Día Después

A human being has a natural desire to have more of a good thing than he needs. ~ Mark Twain

My personal preference is that Cinco de Mayo fall on a Friday.  Same as Fat Tuesday (yeah yeah...then it's not Tuesday), Halloween, NYE...well, you can figure out all the different holidays.  But alas it is not to be so.  So, we practice a little restraint.  Believe it or not, restraint IS possible on weekdays.

The girls had a viewing of their recital video yesterday and I had made a giant pan of chicken and green chili enchiladas, mexican rice and refried beans (which were a LITTLE too spicy...too many jalapenos).  Friends brought over Mexican beer and bling.  So we fiesta-ed.   With restraint.

We stopped when we reached the amount of "good thing" that we needed.  Yeah us!

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