The thing for us to do is our duty and not worry about whether any body sees us or not. ~ Mark Twain
Each day as I pick up my girls from school, my middle daughter asks me "what did you do today?" I have to say that I have started to resent her question, which happens EVERY.SINGLE.DAY simply because (and this is MY fault) I feel like I am being asked to justify my day to her, an 11 year old.
Today wasn't really a busy day for me and yet I was busy all day, if that makes sense. It was my scheduled volunteer day in Beanie's class and I needed to pick up the extra duty of driving the girls to school (just for today) so I had to be showered and ready to go. I was, picked up our carpool friend and just as I was dropping the girls off at school, the radio mentioned a piece about Lindsay Lohan and her relationship with a woman who "gave to a lot to charity" and I thought...CRAP! I forgot to put out the bag for Lupus.
So, I dropped the girls and went back home, got the bag set outside and went to McDonalds to get my volunteer sugar free vanilla ice coffee (for me) and a mocha frappe for Beanie's teacher (it's always good to keep the teacher happy), went back to school and worked for 2 hours.
As I left school, I called Brueggers Bagels ($5.99/doz bagels on Wednesdays) and ordered 3 dozen bagels and said I'd be in around noon to get them. I went home and grabbed a pair of pants that I purchased for my husband that were the wrong style and returned/exchanged them at Kohls where I also picked up 3 tops for my middle daughter. Then I was off to Brueggers. I picked up my bagels (no, we don't eat 3 was for the carpool friend's family), stopped at a flower mart and picked up a couple herb plants I did not yet have, stopped to drop off the dozen bagels and came home.
At home, I sliced up the bagels and put them in bags. And Yes, we will go through 2 dozen bagels. I went out and checked the gas in the lawn mower and it needed gas so I headed with the gas can to the gas station. I came home and mowed our acre property. I also planted my herbs in a variety of pots and watered all the pots (no small feat).
I jumped in the shower to rinse off and ran to pick up the girls from school. With the three in tow, I went to the grocery store and picked up a couple ingredients to make the fresh tomato and corn salsa (that I made yesterday and my family wiped out) and made another batch. I dropped the carpooler off at home (after missing my turn...a tell tale sign that I was winding down).
I went to watch my middle daughter play her first softball game (won 12-10), and then I picked up my son from his away baseball game (lost...wouldn't tell me the score BUT he went 2 for 2).
We got home and I made hamburgers, we had more salsa and watermelon. Then I cleaned up the kitchen.
It's 854 pm and that was my day in a nutshell.
What did YOU do today?
4 hours ago
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