Saturday, May 7, 2011

Recital and Prom and Mother's Day...all rolled into one

First time ever (and not that it matters since this was the first time any COULD go) dance recital day fell on the same day as the Jr/Sr Prom.  And since most of the family would be at the recital, the husband decided to just throw in an early Mother's Day for his mom as well.  So, to say that today has been a bit hectic...-hecticer (yes, I'm calling that a word) than the AVERAGE dance recital day (which, those of you who know me, know that it's unbelievably hectic) is a bit of an understatement.  We had corsages to pick up that weren't ready.  Yes, today is prom.  Yes, they opened at 8am but apparently the workers who took the order did not inform me that they prefer for them to be picked up AFTER 1030am.  So my 830am arrival seemed to throw them a little.  So, along with painting the orchid rim purple, there were supposed to be small purple flowers surrounding it.  There weren't.

Ah...nothing gets the heart started on a hectic morning than Murphy putting in an early appearance.

Headed back home as I had to have the oldest daughter on the bus to the recital at 10 and the youngest at 1030.  When I left for the florist, she had decided that she did not in fact like the rag curls that we produced in an attempt to create big bouncy curls in her thick stick straight hair, so she was just going to "fix a few that seemed flat".  I came home to her hair completely redone with a curling iron.  Note to self:  rag curls=EPIC FAIL.  Still all in all they were both ready and I was able to get pictures of them in their first dance costumes before they left.  Beanie danced tap to Rock Star (Prima J) and the oldest daughter danced to Move Shake Drop (DJ Laz and Flo Rida) they also had funky hats they made themself...very gangsta.
Some may note the absence in my middle daughter.  She decided to forgo dance (with a little $$ incentive from Daddy). 
Then at the end, the girls looked like this (with Beanie having already changed from her jazz costume to her tap...grrrr).  The older daughter's Jazz dance was to My First Kiss.  Beanie's jazz was to Something's Got a Hold on Me.  After the first show:
From the recital, I raced back to our humble little hamlet so that I could get pictures of the boy before he headed off to the Grand March for prom.  They could not have had a more perfect day for prom...a nice sunny 70 degrees!

His date was stunning!  
I will say that those girls shopped with all the precision of a military strike...making sure that no one had the same color/style of dress.  
And of course the guys were well matched with their ties.  These three were the ones in the group that went with the black shirt with coordinating ties.

The vests look white but they were silver.  When I took all the pictures I needed, I headed home to await the family.  
Dinner consisted of several racks of baby back ribs that were falling off the bone tender, thanks to BIL, cheesy potatoes, cole slaw, baked beans, fresh fruit and apple and peach pies.  I believe I am beyond stuffed.
All in all, hecticness (yes, I'm calling that a word too) and Murphy's appearance notwithstanding, a good day was had by all.
Well...we're still awaiting word on the specifics from the prom.  That will have to wait for tomorrow.

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