Friday, May 6, 2011

Something Borrowed

 I took myself to the movies as a sorta pre-Mother's Day treat to see Something BorrowedI don't usually go to the movies by myself but I really wanted to see this.  I wanted to see it without dealing with children having to get up during the movie to go to the bathroom, I didn't want to drag my husband to it as I knew he would not care for it, and to a small degree, I just wanted to enjoy a movie without distractions.

So, first let me boy, I feel your pain.  It was JUST me at a matinee movie and I got a junior popcorn and a junior pop and it cost me $16.44.  Yes, you read that right.  Now, I know, mostly because I do it all the time, that the better deal is to get the super combo that includes a large pop and popcorn, but I had NO desire to eat that much popcorn (although, I was a little nervous that my small popcorn wouldn't last til the movie lasted well into it), but what if you are by yourself and don't want that much junk? (YES, I could and NO I should NOT).  There is no combo for smaller items and I think that sucks.  So, broken down, matinee movie ticket $6.50, junior popcorn and pop $9.94.  No candy, no other treats.  My question the heck can a 16 year old boy take a date to the movies and not go broke (or his parents go broke)?

I love people watching and unfortunately this was not the movie to do it.  Besides me, there was an older pair of women who I think had volume control issues with their intermittent comments, but were far from disruptive.  And another two single, older people sat behind me, separately.  That was it.  All 5 of us.  WEEEEeeeeee.

I happen to love previews and today's did not disappoint.  Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2.  I believe I may break down and see that in IMAX 3D.  Next preview was for Friends with Benefits.  The older two ladies in front of me informed the theater that they would NOT be watching it.  The final movie was Crazy Stupid Love which also looked good.  Mostly because I have become a big fan of Emma Stone and even though she doesn't have a huge part, it'll be worth it just to see her.

So, Something Borrowed.  I read the book years ago (and if you want to, read the second in the series, Something Blue) and thoroughly enjoyed the movie., I take that back, the scene with Rachel and Darcy dancing with Marcus (where Rachel pulls something) was a little awkward, but all in all, good movie.'s the thing.  I couldn't stop staring at Dex...Colin Egglesfield.  He reminded me of...someone.  My first thought was a co-worker back in California (from my MUCH younger days), Dan.  But then, every now and then there would be a flash of someone else and it wasn't long before I pegged it as a very young (and WAY better looking Tom Cruise).  Mostly Dan though.  A little Tom.  Having figured it out, I thought I could concentrate more on the movie.  I couldn't.  He was too cute not to ogle.  So ogle I did.

My oldest daughter went to the same movie later this afternoon.  And she concurred.  About everything.  

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